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Quotes: 3.07 Revelations Quotes

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Faith: Yo, what's up? Hey, time to motorvate.

To Buffy in the Bronze.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Faith: Son of a bitch. It's my lucky day.

To herself, upon seeing Lagos.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Gwendolyn: So... this is your home.

Faith: Yeah. The decorator actually just left.

Gwendolyn: Faith, do you know who the Spartans were?

Faith: Wild stab: a bunch of guys from Spart?

Gwendolyn: They were the fiercest warriors known to Ancient Greece. And they lived in quarters very much like these. Do you know why? Because a true fighter needs nothing else. I'm going to be very hard on you, Faith. I will not brook insolence or laziness. And I will not allow blunders like last night's attack. You will probably hate me a great deal of the time.

Faith: (sarcastically) You think?

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Gwendolyn: But I will make you a better Slayer, and that will keep you alive. You have to trust that I am right. God only knows what Mr. Giles has been filling your head with.

Faith: Giles is okay.

Gwendolyn: His methods are unfathomable to me. I find him entirely confounding. But that is not important. Let him have his games and secret meetings.

Faith: What meetings?

Gwendolyn: Oh, I don't know. Something with Buffy and her friends.

Faith: Oh, right. I guess that doesn't include me.

Gwendolyn: And why does he let her socialize so much? It hardly seems... No matter. Would you like to do some training?

Faith: Training? As in kicking and punching and stabbing?

Gwendolyn: Yes, that's the idea.

Faith: I'm your girl.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Faith: You look pissed.

Xander: Rough day.

Faith: Tell me about it.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Faith: Don't think I don't know what you and your pals were talking about behind my back today.

Xander: Yeah? And what was that?

Faith: More about this glove deal than you're saying.

Xander: The Glove of Myhnegon? Right. How'd you like a hit of some real news: Angel's still alive.

Faith: The vampire.

Xander: Back in town. Saw him myself. Toting the popular and famous glove.

Faith: Angel. Guy like that, with that kind of glove, could kill a whole mess of people.

Xander: Said the same thing to Buffy myself. Weird how she didn't seem to care.

Faith: Buffy knew he was alive. I can't believe her.

Xander: She says he's clean.

Faith: Yeah, well, I say we can't afford to find out. I say I deal with this problem right now. I say I slay.

Xander: Can I come?

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Xander: Oh, my God. It's Giles! Giles, can you hear me? What the hell happened?

Faith: Gee, let me guess.

Xander: Stop. Hold it. Just think a minute.

Faith: Yeah, I'm thinking. Thinking Buffy's ex-meat did this.

Xander: It's not Angel's style.

Faith: The guy's a demon! How much more proof do you need?

Upon finding Giles knocked down in the library.

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Faith: Screw this waiting crap.

Xander: Faith, if we leave, Giles could die!

Faith: Yeah, and he's gonna have a whole lot of company, unless I do something permanent.

Xander: Wait!

Faith: For what? You to grow a pair? You handle the baby-sit, and I'm gonna kill Angel.

Xander: Damn it!

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Faith: I can't believe how much I'm gonna kill you.

Angel: You're not getting that glove.

Faith: You wanna bet?

Info From Buffy Season 3 > 3.07 Revelations | Added on September 06, 2005

Buffy: Synchronized slaying.

Faith: New Olympic category?

Upon both staking a vamp at the same time.